boy i love u tom

A boy called tom asked me out before school ended for summer, i said no, i dont know why i said no but i just did. the thing is, i really really like him, im starting to feel as if i love him, i have started to dream about him having sex with me and i finger myself over him. his friends said that he really likes me and when i rejected him he went all quiet for a while...
my questions are;
would he still like me?
how do i tell him face2face that i like him?
and should i lean in for a kiss or something when we see eachother?

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Answers (6)

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Maybe it will be good to just ask him, you dont have something to lose. Ask him if he still have feelings for you cause you start having some tell him that you feel sorry for rejected him last december or whatev and if he wants?! Go girl! ;) But dont kiss him before he'll reject or accept you...
on December 30, 2014
What Elleyd Said Is Right He Might Not Care If He Really Liked You He Would Forgive You If He Doesn't I Feel Its Wrong Really Cause I Would Want A Forgiving Boyfriend:)
on November 22, 2014
Sorry to say but he probably doesn't like you actively anymore but if you tell him honestly and just say you were too nervous when he asked you about before but you really do care for him he may come around. No guarantees because guys hate being rejected but he may go for it if you prove you really do care for him.
on July 30, 2014
Tell him that you like him as soon as possible if you waste time who knows what will happen
on July 30, 2014
I completely understand you. This guy asked me out last December to our high school dance but I was too scared (and since I had never been asked out before, I thought he was being sarcastic lol) so I said no. And I regret it. *sighs*
If it wasn't too long ago, he might still like you. If you really like him so much, I would say make your move fast to tell him face to face 1) you are sorry for turning him down at first and you did it because (you were too scared maybe?) 2) if he See More▼
Oh and 1 more thing, I forgot to answer the last question: I would suggest not leaning In to kiss him (unless he makes the move and you're cool with it?) I, personally, think of kissing as a more intimate thing that you wouldn't do until you have been dating for a bit. But that's just me
on July 30, 2014
Sorry for such a long answer btw
on July 30, 2014
on July 30, 2014
on July 30, 2014