Can you give me some advice?

Can you give me some advice?

I am a 13 year old girl. I have a horse that means the whole world to me. My parents won't give me money to pay for it's place to live. My parents keep telling me to sell him, but my horse is all i have got. My grandparents keep telling me to kill it. I am so depressed and embarrassed because i owe the owner of the property my horse lives at $880

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Answers (2)

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Aww I'm so sorry Hun x well my advice would be that if you love something so much I would fight for it. Try and make some money if u can to pay back the owner of the $880 and than question your parents. I know it's not really good idea but see if you can make a deal or explain to them how u feel and what the horse means to u. I know what it's like to have a feeling you may lose ur best friend but fight for him/her. Don't feel embrassed either. Your parents should be helping you See More▼
I did tell my parents my feelings for my horse and they make excuses and say they dont have enough money. Like if they have enough money to buy a new iphone 6, a bird, millions of toys for my little sister then why dont they have $880. And they are trying everything they can to take me away from my horse. Can u pplease give me some ideas to make money??? thx See More▼
Cup cake sale? Car wash, fundraising active? Anything that you can make money, sell other stuff that u don't want? I'm
Not sure what else though, hope these okay? Xx
on March 03, 2015
on March 03, 2015
on March 02, 2015
1. Tell your grandparents that's animal cruelty!!!
2. Tell your parents s/he is special to you and you can pay
3. Make money by selling things that you don't use.
4. Make money by selling goods such as homemade cookies and stuff.
on October 11, 2016