How do you know if a guy likes you?

How do you know if a guy likes you?

See, there is this SUPER CUTE guy at my school.. but he's the "shy" type if you know what I mean. Lately I've been thinking about him alot, but I can't find the answer if he likes me or not. To help the theory:
- We danced together at the school dance, HE ASKED ME.
- We took a picture together at the school dance, with 2 of my other friends and one of my friend's crush.
- We have known each other since the beginning of primary school.
- We have played soccer together, he's a HUGE soccer fan, and he always tends to help me if we are on the same team.
Yeah, I don't know, because I heard he liked this other girl, but that was last year.
Maybe he likes me? If you want any more things we did, tell me and I'll help.
I REALLY want to know the answer.

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:)i tink its not impossible that he might likes you..:Dand i think he does...why don't you ask know him very well right?;)
on September 27, 2014
He definitely likes you why not ask him if he does you wont be embarrassed because you know him really well!
on August 09, 2014
yeah he likes u :3 and like what me1234 said you have to get to him first
on July 25, 2014
He might like u or he could just want to be good friends maybey he likes u but he is not ready to tell u but I hope he likes u HOPE I HELPED BYE<3<3<3<3
on March 28, 2014