Should I tell my parents?!

Is it normal to tell your parents about your crush?? Like should I tell my mom and dad about the boy I like, who it is that I like and all that? If so, how should I tell them? Should I somehow drop hints? But how?...I would love some advice...I want to tell my parents but should I? I mean It would be a little bit awkward and especially embarrassing to talk to my dad about it...well it'd be embarrassing with my mom, too but more so my dad you know what I mean?

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Nope, it will be 2 wird and won't end well
on September 15, 2015
Me and my mom are close since my dad died and the day i met my boyfriend i came home and we were sitting down watching tv and i jest brought it up i was like "mom this dude at the park today told me he liked me and he wanted my number and i kinda like him" and she was like "well if you like him you should go for it and text him" and i was like "good cus i gave him my number" and she laughed and me and him got on FaceTime and talked and talked and she even talked to him to. So See More▼
on May 20, 2014
There is nothing wrong with liking someone! Like maybe get a picture of him and say "Hey mom, wanna see someone thats super cute?" Then she'll kinda get the idea that u like him, that's what I did. Good luck! :-*
on March 07, 2014