Would you be a good choice for president

Would you be a good choice for president

This quiz is about choose whether or not you would be good for president.

published on November 17, 201451 responses 11
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Are you Obama?

Are you Obama?
Um.. let me think

When you are elected. What is the first thing you would do?

When you are elected. What is the first thing you would do?
Press every button I can find in the white house.
Abolish Every single law ever.
Be Obama
Fix every problem in society with a single law
Name Myself Emperor!

What would you do with the Nuclear launch codes?

What would you do with the Nuclear launch codes?
Change the codes to something so secret, even you would have trouble remebering
Do nothing.
Immediately train them on your enemies.
If they go off, Obamacare is the answer!
Replace the codes with a big red button and place it on the doorbell.
Order all of them to blow up in the hanger all at once.

If the opposition leader becomes a threat, what do you do?

If the opposition leader becomes a threat, what do you do?
Kill him.
Make up a speech so inspiring, it would make Godzilla cry.
Make a speech so bad, Godzilla would team up with Mothra to destroy you.
Introduce a few good laws to try and sway people to your side.
Do the Hokey Pokey.
Be Obama

If a massive Natural disaster happens; what would you do?

If a massive Natural disaster happens; what would you do?
Eat chips and give all our money to China.
Tell everybody to fill their shoes with concrete and drink arsenic.
Hide in your super bunker while raisng taxes 50% to pay for the damage.
Shoot a few promotional videos to get people involved to clean up the mess and spend a few million on it.
Spare no expense, make sure that everything goes back to the way it was.

If one of your allies goes to war, what do you do?

If one of your allies goes to war, what do you do?
Help them on their quest to win but don't spare to many troops.
Nuke the lot of them.
Nothing, no-one is your ally now.
Send every troop possible to win the war in about 2 weeks.
Send Obamacare!
Send a single troop, dressed as a clown, armed with a pillow.

What do you do about the environment?

What do you do about the environment?
Put a lot of work into pulling in new laws to save the environment.
Invest a heap of money into making your country the rop in the world at environmental sciences and education.
Who cares? Build a nuclear power plant run by uneducated workers.
... Sorry? I was to busy burning the climate report statistics in my 100 ton coal and oil fire.
Obamacare fixes everything!
Close your eyes and do eenie-meenie-minee-moe.

You have just been voted out, what do you do?

Have a mental breakdown on public television.
Do the Hokey Pokey
Accept it graciously. Prepare the most inspirational and memorable speech ever. It would make Nelson Mandela proud, Mothra would
Impossible! I made myself King earlier and therefore can't be voted out! Kill everybody that says so!
How. did. Obamacare. not work?
Step down from the position humbly and then drown your sorrows at the pub.