Power Your Path Quiz

Power Your Path Quiz

Unlock the tips for self-empowerment! Look deep inside and answer these questions to find out how you should optimize your energy and decide the best path for yourself.

published on May 04, 20230 responses 0
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How do you approach work and commitments?

How do you approach work and commitments?
Affective and determined
Evaluating, researching and pondering
Planning, timetables and structure

What do you value in a long term goal?

What do you value in a long term goal?
The product of the journey: the results
The wisdom and understanding gained through the journey
The drive and determination to reach the goal

How do you tend to take on challenges?

How do you tend to take on challenges?
Look for prepared strategies to solve them
Dive in headfirst and learn as I go
Analyze & research problem before tackling it

How do you react when faced with a difficult situation?

How do you react when faced with a difficult situation?
Roll up my sleeve and get to work
Reflect on the problem and find a practical solution
Analyze and break down the problem smaller pieces

Which activities do you enjoy doing when having time for yourself?

Which activities do you enjoy doing when having time for yourself?
Reading and analyzing current events
Organizing and planning
Making new acquaintances, learning something new

What kind of obstacles do you tend to focus on?

What kind of obstacles do you tend to focus on?
Gathering the necessary information and resources
Solving the problem step-by-step
Focusing on discovering new solutions

Your ideal vacation would be:

Your ideal vacation would be:
Exploring exciting destinations with locals
Reading materials and visiting places of interest
Defined itinerary and reserved spots

When facing a challenge, the first thought in your head is...

When facing a challenge, the first thought in your head is...
I need to take a step back to assess and analyze
I don't give up until I finish
I know I can find a way to handle this

If success is in your sights, what would you do?

If success is in your sights, what would you do?
Check & measure the benchmarks to make sure
Organize my effort for maximum efficiency
Go after it with enthusiasm

To you, the key to success is:

To you, the key to success is:
Persistence and never letting go
Efficiency and thorough execution
Bringing research and analysis to the table