What kind of yandere are you?

What kind of yandere are you?

Are you a yandere? Let's find out and see with this quiz~! I promise I wont tell senpai as long as your good~

published on October 26, 201849 responses 1
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A girl kisses you man/girl what should you do?

A girl kisses you man/girl what should you do?
Befriend then kill

Your girl/man says that their going out what do you do?

Your girl/man says that their going out what do you do?
Follow them
Let them be
Stalk them
Tell them to stay

You see your man/girl hanging out with their friend what do you do?

You see your man/girl hanging out with their friend what do you do?
Kill the friend
Let them be
Stalk them
Let them be then kill them

You man/girl sees you kill someone what do you do?

You man/girl sees you kill someone what do you do?
Drug them
Tell them you won't hurt them
stab them and make them yours
All of above

You marry your man/girl but you see them with your best friend what do you do?

You marry your man/girl  but you see them with your best friend what do you do?
Kill him/her
Join them
Drug you friend and warn them