How long will you survive the Hunger Games?

I made another quiz like this, but I've decided to make an improved version that a. is easier and b. tells you more about why you won or lost. Enjoy!

published on May 26, 201633 responses 0
How long will you survive the Hunger Games?
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What will be your greatest strength in the Games?

What will be your greatest strength in the Games?
My survival knowledge
My brains
My brawn
My courage
My popularity in the Capitol
I'm not sure...

You'd spend your time in the Training Center learning to...

You'd spend your time in the Training Center learning to...
Get food and water
Run and climb

How high are you aiming with your score?

How high are you aiming with your score?
I'll deliberately lower it so I don't draw attention to myself
I'd be satisfied with a 5-7, but I want a pretty high score
As high as possible! I reckon I'll get at least an 8!

Over the course of your time in the Training Centre, you have received several ally requests. You choose to team up with...

Over the course of your time in the Training Centre, you have received several ally requests. You choose to team up with...
Marley, your district partner, who has good survival skills but can't fight well
The Career pack, who aren't exactly trustworthy but are mightier than anyone else
Ash, a twelve-year old boy who trusts you wholeheartedly
None of them!

The tribute you are most similar to is...

The tribute you are most similar to is...

In your interview, you will focus on being...

In your interview, you will focus on being...
Likeable - you want as many sponsors as possible
Memorable - you want to stand out
Intimidating - you want to scare and impress the other tributes
Honest - you want to be true to yourself

How far would you run towards the Cornucopia?

How far would you run towards the Cornucopia?
Probably just a meter or two
Less than halfway
More than halfway
Right to the Cornucopia itself!

Which item would you rather receive from a sponsor?

Which item would you rather receive from a sponsor?
A weapon

Could you, honestly, kill anyone?

Could you, honestly, kill anyone?
If I had no other options
Of course I could! I'll make plenty of kills!

How tough are you? How much can you take before you give up?

How tough are you? How much can you take before you give up?
I'm very persistent, and I can withstand a lot
I'm reasonably tough
I am determined, but I don't have a lot of stamina
I'm not tough at all

You see some berries, which you recognise from your training sessions. You don't think that they are poisonous, but you can't quite remember. You choose to...

You see some berries, which you recognise from your training sessions. You don't think that they are poisonous, but you can't quite remember. You choose to...
Eat them, because I'd know if they were dangerous
Avoid them, just in case
Who cares about the berries? I've got plenty of food already

The sun sets on your first night in the arena, and it's quite cold. You choose to...

The sun sets on your first night in the arena, and it's quite cold. You choose to...
Light a fire - I need to keep warm
Forget keeping warm and climb a tree - if I'm found, I'm in danger
Cover myself in leaves - a fire's too risky

You find a tracker-jacker nest, so you...

You find a tracker-jacker nest, so you...
Steer clear of it, tracker jackers are dangerous
Lure my opponents towards it, because I might as well use it to my advantage
Ignore it

A much stronger tribute is running towards you. You...

A much stronger tribute is running towards you. You...
Try and ally with them
Climb a tree
Run for my life!

You come across a water source. What do you do?

You come across a water source. What do you do?
Set up camp so that I'll have a long-term supply
Drink as much water as I can, then move on to a less open spot
Boil the water and drink it, then travel somewhere safer

A feast has been announced, and you...

A feast has been announced, and you...
Go, and take some of the food
Go, just for an opportunity to attack the others
Don't go

How would you get rid of your opponents?

How would you get rid of your opponents?
I told you, I wouldn't!
I'd gang up on them with my allies and overwhelm them
I'd fight them outright
I'd try to poison them

You've reached the final three... What's your plan for victory?

You've reached the final three... What's your plan for victory?
Wait it out
Try and lure your opponents towards each other
Finish the others off sneakily
Fight to the death!