Sonic quiz of destruction! Part 11!

Part eleven! Here we go! I'm gonna stop the recaps. I had an awesome idea for this quiz! Well guys, see ya in the quiz!

published on July 22, 20175 responses 0
Sonic quiz of destruction! Part 11!
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After the dance, everyone goes home and goes to sleep. You wake up the next morning and get dressed. You walk downstairs and see that Emily isn't awake yet.

Strange. She's usually awake by now roasting shadow by now!
Hmm... something's not right...
I must admit it. Something is definitely wrong...
Yup! Emily's not roasting A3 yet! There's something very wrong!
*laughing at A3*

"wheres Emily?" You ask the guys. Sonic looks around. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Emily yet!" Just as he says that, the TV switches to a staticky channel.

What the heck?
The TV stopped working! dang it!
Um... what's going on?
*gasps* static!
*wants to punch the TV out of existence*

The TV stops showing static and shows eggman. "Greetings, rodents!" He says. Shadow jumps up. "Eggman!" He shouts. "As you've probably noticed by now, your precious female hedgehog friend has disappeared!"

Did you take Emily? Tell me now!
*A3 intensifies*
Hey look, it's eggs-benedict!
*trying to punch the TV*

"I have captured Emily! And I'm gonna experiment on her!" Says eggman. "You let her go!" Says silver. "Hmm... no, I dont think so! You'll have to come here and get her yourself! Ohohohohohoho!!" Says eggman as the TV goes back to normal.

He captured Emily! We gotta get her back!
No... Emily...
Uh oh!

Everyone stands up and runs out of the house, you included. Everyone runs to eggmans lair.

I'm gonna get that boi!
Dude gonna pay...