What Emoji is Your Favorite?

I know what emoji is your favorite! Discover your true emoji with this fun and simple quiz! :D

published on April 30, 201570 responses 35
What Emoji is Your Favorite?
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I say "Emoji!", you say...

I say "Emoji!", you say...

Your friend trips over you and her books all go flying. What do you do?

Your friend trips over you and her books all go flying. What do you do?
Say, "Oh gosh! Lemme help you with that!" and then stoop and help her pick up her books.
Try to cheer her up with one of your jokes.
Say "Oh I'm soo sorry! It's all my fault!" and run off.
Say, "Ouch! You stepped on my toe!"

Just recently, your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you. Your best friend invites you to a party- and invites them, too; behind your back. What do you do?

Just recently, your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you. Your best friend invites you to a party- and invites them, too; behind your back. What do you do?
Forget it. Even if you're no longer boyfriend/girlfriend, you can still be friends!
Try to ease the tension.
Leave, sad that your friend obviously didn't think about you.
Get mad at her. Leave.
Get mad at her and go giver her a talking-to before leaving.

You've just completed a semester test in school. This test will determine a large percentage of your grade. You get a B. What do you do?

You've just completed a semester test in school. This test will determine a large percentage of your grade. You get a B. What do you do?
Smile. A B isn't a bad grade. You text your friends about it, including an :).
Forget about it. School isn't that important to you anyway.
Dejectedly shove the paper into the bottom of your backpack. You'd needed that A.
Get mad and confront the teacher, demanding to know why you got a B.

One of your best friends, who's on vacation, texts you and says that she's glad to get away from school and you for awhile. What do you do?

One of your best friends, who's on vacation, texts you and says that she's glad to get away from school and you for awhile. What do you do?
Forget that she said it. Delete the text, and pretend you never got it. Sometimes things sound worse than they are.
Text her back, trying to make sure she's just joking.
*Gasp*. You'd thought she was your best friend. You put your phone away and cry for a little while.
Text her back, saying "Well, that's nice! Glad to know what you think of me!", then leave the conversation.