What Type of Ghost are You?

Ghosts or poltergeists, good or bad. Though are you even a ghost at all?

published on August 12, 201583 responses 19
What Type of Ghost are You?
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Let's say you died.
Are you contented with your life?

Let's say you died. Are you contented with your life?
Yes, you had a nice stay.
No, but it's as good as it'd ever be.
No, and you don't want to leave yet.
No, but you are fine with death, since you have to.

Someone angers you greatly.
Your response?

Someone angers you greatly. Your response?
Steam about it, but ultimately do nothing.
Forgive and forget.
Hold a grudge for a long time.
Confront the person.
Get revenge.

How much energy do you feel on the average day?

How much energy do you feel on the average day?
Quite a lot.
A bit more than most.
An average amount.
A bit less than most.
Very little.

What emotion, of these, seems to be your biggest motivator?

What emotion, of these, seems to be your biggest motivator?
Compassion, love, Kindness.
Anger, jealousy, Hatred.
Attachment, obsession, opposition to change.
Energy, Surprise, Disgust.
Want for peace and change, calmness.

Why would you be stuck in limbo?

Why would you be stuck in limbo?
There's someone you can't leave behind.
You have unfinished business...
There's still so much to do- you aren't ready.
You're unwilling to move on.
You don't think you'd be stuck in limbo.

So, who or what would you haunt?

So, who or what would you haunt?
Someone who means a lot to you.
Someone you dislike.
Somewhere you can have a lot of fun.
Anywhere important to you, or you find nice, pretty.
You wouldn't haunt.