Is You're Animal OCa Mary/Gary Sue?

Is You're Animal OCa Mary/Gary Sue?

Based of of my freind LilGaster who made a quiz called "Is You're OC a Mary Sue?" I decied to make one for animal OCs. Please answer honestly for true results.

published on April 14, 201624 responses 5
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Okay, lets jump right into this! In a fight, how is you're OC doing?

Okay, lets jump right into this! In a fight, how is you're OC doing?
My OC is kicking the enemies away, hardly
getting bit/clawed.
My OC is fighting with all her/his will, using
teeth and claw and getting bit and clawed
as she/he did
My OC is fighting with tooth and claw:
she/he will not back down no matter how
many times she/he
gets attacked.

Does You're OC have a crush?

Does You're OC have a crush?
Yes, at least five or three different ones and she/he loves them all equally.
Yes, at least one or two big time crushes.
Yes, at least one though its nothing major
She/he doesn't have a crush, becouse she/he has a mate

Does you're OC have a mate?

Does you're OC have a mate?
Yes, at least three and she/he is very good
at hiding the fact.
Yes, she/he has a mate and she/he loves
him/her very dearly. Though she/he does
like someone else
at the same time...
She/he has one mate and there the world to
her/him, she/he loves no else but her/him.
My OC doesn't have a mate.

Okay, now I'll do some role play.

You are walking threw the forest, when a (you're species) jumps out at you, claws out strechted. What do you do?

Okay, now I'll do some role play.  You are walking threw the forest, when a (you're species) jumps out at you, claws out strechted. What do you do?
Fall down and kick them in the chest, so
they go flying.
Slap them down and claw there face over
and over.
Fall down and claw at them blindly.

No more role playing.

Does you're OC have any scars?

No more role playing.  Does you're OC have any scars?
Of course not, she/he never got wounded
Yes, not a lot but some here and there.
Of course, she/he always fights hard and in
the end recives a few scars.

A new role play scene!

Someone close to you just died, and it was murder. How does you're OC react to the news?

A new role play scene!   Someone close to you just died, and it was murder. How does you're OC react to the news?
Sigh and say "This was bound to happen."
And go off to hunt.
Growl in frustation: Who would do such a
terrible thing?! Tears prick there eyes.
Snarl angirly, shaking there head. Tears
wouls rol down there cheek, and you wou!d
touch there blood stained shoulder in a final

How agile is you're OC?

How agile is you're OC?
Very agile! She/he can jump and dodge
almost anything.
She/heis highly agile, though not always on
She/he is agile,but not always the best at
dodgeing and jumping.

Does you're OC have any markings?

Answer One:

Answer Two:

Answer Three:

Does you're OC have any markings?  Answer One:  Answer Two:  Answer Three:
Yes, tiger markings that sometimes glow!
Triangles under her/his eyes. Also a type of
swirls across her/his pelt.
Only a couple of tiger stripes.

Does you're OC have any powers?

Does you're OC have any powers?
Yes- at least three
Yes- at least one/two
No- just her own strenghts

What color is her/his fur?

What color is her/his fur?
Multi color!
(blue, red, pure white, purple, etc)
Kinda rare colors
(grey blue, dark grey, static black, black brown, etc)
Normal colors
(brown, black, russet, grayish white, etc)