Where Is Your Starting Point?

Take this quiz to find out where you are beginning your journey. This will not only help me but it will definitely help you.

published on November 05, 20140 responses 0
Where Is Your Starting Point?
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Do You Believe in the Christian God?

Yes, definitely.
I think he exist, but I don't follow him.
No, it's just a myth.
Yes, I just don't attend church that regularly.

Do You Want To Try To Follow God?

I already do.
I'm Trying.
I'm not sure, probably.
I want to and try to, only something is stopping me.

How Often Do You Attend Church?

Every Weekend.
I Don't.
Rarely, I was invited once or twice.

How Old Are You?

0 - 18
19 - 29
30 - 49
50 - and up

Have You Ever Been To Church?

Yes, I enjoy it.
Several Times.
I go on occasion or if it's necessary.