My third warrior cats quiz...

My third warrior cats quiz...

So this is my third oc warrior cats quiz! So if this is your first all you do is how is your personality and match it up with the answers

published on February 07, 201534 responses 12
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What would you hunt?

What would you hunt?
Cats! :D
Voles, and Rabbits
Mice, and Thrushes
Cats, and Rabbits

What is icky for you?

What is icky for you?
Mices, and Thrushes
Voles, and Rabbits
Anything but Cats
Certain foods...

Would you want kits? or a mate? or a mate with kits?

Would you want kits? or a mate? or a mate with kits?
Mate with kits!
Sure but I'll kill them!
I"ll kill them!

Woukd you save a leader from another clan?

Woukd you save a leader from another clan?
Um.. No thanks...
Sure Then kill him/her?
I"ll kill them either way

Do you want to eat voles?

Do you want to eat voles?
Ya I guess...
No.. eww cats are better
No! Cats are way better!

What do you think about this quiz?

What do you think about this quiz?
Why you make me evil ;-;
Ya! Same!
Thanks for making me good :D
Ya shes correct