Divergent fractions quiz

Divergent fractions quiz

Take the quiz to see what fraction you would be Candor, Amity, Erudite, Abnegation, Dauntless .

published on June 19, 201426 responses 8
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In your spare time you enjoy...

In your spare time you enjoy...
Painting or dancing
Rock-climbing or sky diving
Sharing opinions with friends
Catching up on home work and reading for pleaser

When faced with a problem you...

When faced with a problem you...
Creating a work of art that expresses your feelings
Debating the issue with friends
Doing whatever's best for the greatest number of people
Facing it head-on
Making a list of pros and cons, and then choosing the option that the evidence best

You want your friends and family to see you as someone who...

You want your friends and family to see you as someone who...
Would protect them no matter what
Is liked by everyone
Is trustworthy
Offers wise advice
Is willing to make sacrifices to help anyone in need

If you had to choose a job right now witch job would you choose?

If you had to choose a job right now witch job would you choose?
Police officer

When choosing your outfit you select...

When choosing your outfit you select...
Something that will not distract you from what you have to do that day
Something comfortable but interesting to look at
Whatever will attract the lest amount of attention
Something simple but expresses your personality
Whatever will attract the most atention

Your highest priority in life right now is...

Your highest priority in life right now is...
Seeking truth in all things
Serving those around you
Success in work and school
Developing your strength in character
Finding peace and happiness for yourself

You find yourself eating mainly...

You find yourself eating mainly...
Food with lots of carbs
Plain food
Strang and new food
Simple modiste food
Fruit and vegetables