Are you ready for love (1)

Are you ready for love (1)

see if you are ready take this test and find out. This test will tell u if you are ready to date

published on May 04, 2015

Are you a boy or girl

Are you a boy or girl
I'm a girl
I'm a boy
I dont want to say it
It doesnt matter

When you date you should take your time

When you date you should take your time
a little

Do both of you need to worl together to make it

Do both of you need to worl together to make it
Of course
Hell no

When one of you crying what do you do?

When one of you crying what do you do?
Be there for them and help them
Give them sometime but not to much
Just leave them
Tell them to get over it
Tell someone else

Should you ever forget something when you guy are together

Should you ever forget something when you guy are together
Never all remember
sometimes it is ok
yes it is no to forget things