what is your inner minion

what is your inner minion

Find out your inner minion by taking this quiz! (basically your best skill)

published on May 20, 201558 responses 12
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After you succeed, what do you do?

Jump up and start saying, "i'm awesome, party"
Congratulate yourself and try a harder question
get frustrated
Show your friend and ask if they got the same answer

If you get an "a", what do you do?

Yawn. It happens all the time
Party like there's no tomorrow!
boast and brag to all your friends
You stay quiet. You don't want anybody to tease you or make anyone else feel bad

What do you think of yourself

Smart. No. I need to know everything!
nobody is right except you
I don't care. I'm generally awesome
I must party or I will die

What is pi

3.14159265359 ........................................................................
Why do I need to answer THIS
If I get this right, can i get a cupcake?

The worst is when

People make you get mad.
I can't get something
? live is awesome
I don't care. I can just do better.