What type of roblox scripter are you?

this is a quiz that will tell you your scripting level and more . Enjoy the quiz and good luck!

published on February 18, 20223 responses 0
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what does this do?

local clickdet = Instance.new("ClickDetctor",script.Parent)

local function Clicked(player)
player:WaitForChild("leaderstats").Cash.Value += 2

adds a clickdetector to a part
It gives an error
It adds a clickdetector to a part and if you click it , it gives you 2 cash
It makes the part invisible
If you click the part , it makes it give 2 cash

How do you make a script that changes part's transparency?

local part = script.Parent
part.invisible = true
script.Parent = 0
script.Parent.Transparency = 0

what does this do?

local function added(plr)
plr.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Enabled = true

It shows a text
it makes a player have a text on screen (only 1st player that joins)
It shows every player a ui when they join
it shows only to you a ui when you join
it shows a ui but there's a way to make it smaller . Make it like this :

player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Enabled = true

What does this do?

it shows "h" on your screen
it shows "h" on your tool
It shows "h" on screen and you can reply
it outputs "h" in developer console which can be seen by saying "/console" in chat
it shows a bar that shows "h" for a limited time

Have you ever heard of law lua?

Yeah but Idk how to use it
yes I did
Yes and mostly exploiters use it
No but I think its easy to use

how do you make a coin that when you touch it , you get 1 cash

Insert script in ServerScriptStorage

1 game.workspace.Part.Touched == true then
2 player.cash = 2
Insert script in the part

1 script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function(player)
2 player.leaderstats.Cash.Value += 2
3 end)
Insert script in ServerScriptStorage

1 local function add()
2 game.:GetService("Workspace").Part.Touched:Connect(function(players)
3 player:WaitForChild("leaderstats").Cash.Value += 2
4 end
5 end
6 game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(add)
Insert in Workspace

1 game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function()
2 game.Workspace.Part.Touched:Connect(function(player)
3 player.leaderstats.Cash.Value += 2
4 end
5 end