which warrior cat are you (2)

which warrior cat are you (2)

this quiz will tell you if you are a humble and sweet cat or a bloodthirsty, arrogant cat. this is just for fun, so enjoy :)

published on May 12, 201530 responses 8
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you are a kit, your litter mates have left you to go meet the apprentices what do you do?

you are a kit, your litter mates have left you to go meet the apprentices what do you do?
you stay with your mother and calmly wait for your littermates to return, no adventure for you. (aww u no fun
:3 lol)
you go to explore by yourself, you don't need help from your littermates. (yesh, i like you XD)
you decide to find your littermates, no one will leave you behind! (ya, go you *fistpump*)
you go to see the elders, hopefully lucky enough to hear a story! (yay, i wanna come too :3)

you have become an apprentice and are currently doing your assessment, you hear a crunch and smell rival clan cats. what do you do?

you have become an apprentice and are currently doing your assessment, you hear a crunch and smell rival clan cats. what do you do?
you run back to camp, not wanting to see big, bad rival cats, who knows they could be ruthless rouges *shudder* (at least your fast lol)
you let out a battle cry, hopefully alerting your mentor and race towards the rival cats. you didn't train for nothing. (yesh, you show em lol)
you go to your clan and tell your leader, you mention that you don't want a battle for its kinda pointless. (lol :3)
you go back to camp and alert your leader and clan mates, you then go to show those flea-bags whose boss. (ya lol)

you have become a warrior/medcat , green cough breaks out and you want to help. what do you do?

you have become a warrior/medcat , green cough breaks out and you want to help. what do you do?
you hurry around camp to bring as much cats to the medcat den. you certainly don't want them to get any more sick! (cough cough* help lol *cough cough)
you go to help your medcat, you want to be the most help to your clan!
you stand guard at the entrance to the camp, you will not allow anyone to get near your clan!
you go to get a patrol to search for some herbs, you want to be useful for your clan.

the green cough ends and you join the patrol for the gathering, another clan leader threatens your clan to give up some of their land. what is your reaction?

the green cough ends and you join the patrol for the gathering, another clan leader threatens your clan to give up some of their land. what is your reaction?
you look baffled and slightly upset, your clan will not give up their land for some other flea infested clan!
you are upset but remain calm, you know your leader will make the right choice.
you hiss and your fur is bristled, you will not let your clan give up their rightful land to feed some other clan who is too lazy to find their own prey!
you look slightly scared, you don't want a fight to go on and decide to hide behind the large senior warrior from your clan.

you are ready to take on an apprentice, what will you teach them first after touring the territory?

you are ready to take on an apprentice, what will you teach them first after touring the territory?
you will teach him/her about the clans and how they function together! (ya make them extremely loyal!)
you want her/him to learn about different herbs and are currently showing him/her how they can be told apart. (i can't be medcat, i have horrible memory XD)
you want to teach him/her to hunt and to feed their clan, you want him/her to be an honorable cat! (lol)
you teach him/her battle tactics first, they will have to be able to defend themselves! (ya, i agree lol, my opinion lol)

you have to go to another clan to ask their medcat for herbs, will you go alone or in a small group?

you have to go to another clan to ask their medcat for herbs, will you go alone or in a small group?
you want to go alone, you can defend yourself if you threatened!
you go with another cat, and calmly advise that no threats will be given if met with a rival patrol.
you go in a group of three, what if they attack you! uh-uh no fight for you!
you go with a group of two, you will advise that your medcat needed some herbs and cannot come due to he/she being busy treating wounds.

you have grown rather old and you are pondering over being an elder or not. what will you do? (this does not mean your cat will be old, this is just a question lol)

you have grown rather old and you are pondering over being an elder or not. what will you do?     (this does not mean your cat will be old, this is just a question lol)
you don't want to become an elder, your life belongs where you can heal your clan mates. (wise lol)
you will not become an elder, you want to continue your days defending your clan. you want to die within battle, the death you think is most honorable.
you will become an elder, you think you have defended your clan well and deserve some peace at last.
you will not become an elder, you want to lead your clan until your last days.