Are you rude or nice?

This quiz will see if you will help someone in need or if you will push people around.

published on June 21, 201448 responses 0
Are you rude or nice?
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Your friend has his/her head in his/her knees and the next thing you see is a unknown person kick her/him what do you do?

Your friend has his/her head in his/her knees and the next thing you see is a unknown person kick her/him what do you do?
Ask her what's wrong
Tell the unknown person to stop
Leave them alone I don't want to get into drama
Just watch from the sidelines the unknown person could be doing this for a reason

Your friend said it's been two years since you met and she/ he gives you a poem explaining what friendship means and then you realize you forgot to give her/ him something, what do you do?

Your friend said it's been two years since you met and she/ he gives you a poem explaining what friendship means and then you realize you forgot to give her/ him something, what do you do?
I wouldn't forget something like that, of course I got her/ him something
My friend would have to wait a bit but I would get her/ him something
Dang it! Oh well there's always next year
I didn't forget I just didn't fell like getting something

Even if you forgot you get forced in to getting your friend something. What did you give your friend?

Even if you forgot you get forced in to getting your friend something. What did you give your friend?
Something she/he wanted for ages
I didn't have any money so I made her/him a card
I forgot about it!
I forgot so maybe some flowers out of the ground or something from the lost and found

When was the last time you had an argument?

When was the last time you had an argument?
We never had an argument!
Maybe about a year ago
Last week

When was the last time you complimented her/him?

When was the last time you complimented her/him?
Last week
2 weeks ago
A year ago
I don't remember

When was the last time you had a good conversation?

When was the last time you had a good conversation?
Last week
2-3 weeks ago
4-8 weeks ago
9-15 weeks ago

Do you agree on a lot of things?

Do you agree on a lot of things?

When your friend hurts your feelings what do you do?

When your friend hurts your feelings what do you do?
Talk about why your friend is feeling like that and ask why did she/he let her/his feelings
out on you
Give her/him some space to let them cool down a bit
Argue back my friend shouldn't be talking to me like this
Never talk to them again because obviously she/he dosn't want to see me again