What is Your Warrior Cats Name and Rank? (She-Cats!)

What is Your Warrior Cats Name and Rank? (She-Cats!)

Use this quiz to determine your name and rank from the beloved series Warriors! Sorry Toms, I'll get to you later!

published on July 27, 201856 responses 5
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Who Do You Trust the Most?

Who Do You Trust the Most?
My Sibling
My Parent(s)
My Friends
No One
A Relative (Besides Parents/Siblings)

Let's say you have been born and raised in your clan. It has been a part of your whole life. Suddenly, your leader dies and the deputy takes over. This deputy ignores the Warrior Code and often makes rash decisions that kill many warriors. What would you do?

RP TIME! Let's say you have been born and raised in your clan. It has been a part of your whole life. Suddenly, your leader dies and the deputy takes over. This deputy ignores the Warrior Code and often makes rash decisions that kill many warriors. What would you do?
Take over the clan and begin a fair leadership.
Give the kits over to a different clan secretly. Then do your best to talk some sense into the leader.
Ignore him. He'll die eventually like the rest of us.
Rally the clan into taking some action! We can stop him if we work together!
Start teaching the kits ways to protect themselves and start helping them plan a future attack for when the leader is old and

What Would You Do if Someone Publicly Insulted You?

What Would You Do if Someone Publicly Insulted You?
Ignore them. This happens all the time.
Challenge them and make sure they learn some respect!
Go to your friends for reassurance and maybe someday you'll face them again.
Let your words fire back at them like knives. They can't deal with my wit.
Walk away, but secretly hold a grudge.

Where Would You Most Like to Live? (If You Were a Cat)

Where Would You Most Like to Live? (If You Were a Cat)
In the forest with great oaks rising around me that will protect me.
Somewhere open and wild were I could run forever.
Somewhere near the water! How fun!
In the shadows of others and in the shadows of trees.
Somewhere with a natural barrier to protect the young!

Another RP Scenario! (But This One's Darker :>)
You're in a fierce battle over territory. Leaf bare has been tough and prey has been scarce. No one is full. Each side is losing too many warriors to count. It seems you are one of the very few still standing. As you scour the field for enemies, you come across a kit's body on the ground. It's still alive, but the kit is badly wounded and will die within the next minute or so. You are not a medicine cat and you notice that the healer is dead across from you. What do you do now?

Another RP Scenario! (But This One's Darker :>) You're in a fierce battle over territory. Leaf bare has been tough and prey has been scarce. No one is full. Each side is losing too many warriors to count. It seems you are one of the very few still standing. As you scour the field for enemies, you come across a kit's body on the ground. It's still alive, but the kit is badly wounded and will die within the next minute or so. You are not a medicine cat and you notice that the healer is dead across from you. What do you do now?
Grab the kit and run as fast as you can into a coveted spot. You try to heal it, but your lack of skill is a problem. So, you try to
comfort the small kit while he dies.
Run past the kit and launch yourself onto the enemy warriors. In a frenzy of panic and grief, you defeat them easily. One is left,
but with one snarl she turns and flees. You look around at your fellow alive warriors and together you count the dead. You
make sure to give the kit a proper burial since the breathing has ceased.
You yell for this madness to stop and try to separate the few fighting warriors. You drag the kit to the center of the battle and
continue dragging other cats there too from both sides. The fighting continues on for a while, but eventually, they all stop and
gather around the fallen warriors.
You pad along unharmed since you never fought in the bloody massacre. You sigh. Cat against cat, brother against brother, kit
against kit. You look down at the small dying kit and slash it to put it out of its misery.
You quickly turn and flee into the woods. You can't take it anymore, it isn't right. The warrior code has been broken and so has
your clan.

Are You Good At Making Friends?

Are You Good At Making Friends?
Not especially. I tend to drive others away.
Yes! A million times yes! Friends are the best!
Sure, though I mostly stick with family.
People respect me more than actually being my friends.
No. I prefer being alone.

What's Your Favorite Flower Out of These? (I suggest looking some up)

What's Your Favorite Flower Out of These? (I suggest looking some up)
Columbine (purple)
Crown Imperial

How do you prefer to spend your day?

How do you prefer to spend your day?
Exploring the great outdoors with friends!
Wandering around my myself or another activity where I'm alone.
Spending the day with family.
Playing competitive games with family or friends!
Practicing my sport.

What's your favorite color out of these?

What's your favorite color out of these?
Dark colors like black or purple.
Fiery colors like red or orange.
Fun colors like pink or yellow!
Calming blues or greens.
No preference/other.

Which one of these words best describes you?

Which one of these words best describes you?