Are you a true quote master?...

Are you a true quote master?...

I REALLY love quotes and REALLY wonder if u do 2. A Quote=like a joke on the computer ^-^

published on March 10, 201529 responses 7
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question #1:
what kind of quote is this?

question #1: what kind of quote is this?
Pretty funny
An ex-love quote

Question #2:
What's the first thing that comes 2 ur mind?
(if ur a skinny person,know that ur COOL and AWESOME ^-^)

Question #2: What's the first thing that comes 2 ur mind? (if ur a skinny person,know that ur COOL and AWESOME ^-^)
So true
Take that skinny people!

Question #3:
and ur thought =...

Question #3: and ur thought =...
Awww, so romantic
LOL, so true
R u serious?!?

Question #4:
and this then..?

Question #4: and this then..?
The peaces r so cute!
seriously, this is just racist...
this ain't even a "quote-quote"!

Question #5:
can u tell?...

Question #5: can u tell?...
This = a joke-joke
LOL I should remember this 4 later...
..I don't get all...

question #6:
In what situation would u use this one?...

question #6: In what situation would u use this one?...
Just being funny RanDomLy... YOLO
At the park
When eating chocolate and some one judges u about it
When telling a story, THE END

question #7:
...and what in this situashon?

question #7: ...and what in this situashon?
When break-dancing
when u and ur friend r ice-skating
When u r very clumsy
When the world ends (don, don, Doooooon)

question #8:
When do u use this?

question #8: When do u use this?
2 sound awesome
2 dis a b!tch... ^-^
2 infinity...and...BEYOND
2 tell ur (girl)friend... in the most politeness way possible...2 wash her face

question #9:
..and this?...

question #9: ..and this?...
when ur heart can fly and ur brain is a portable-suitcase full of smartness
It's so cute! I want 2 put it as my phones wallpaper (I'm already there ^-^)
when a random stranger attacks u, beat him up and almost go 2 jail
... in every situation possible ...

I know this was short and I'm sorry I'm done
but please tell me how it went so I can improve, and tell u a better quiz next time we meet
(that totally didn't rhyme but please do tell... till next time then...)

I know this was short and I'm sorry I'm done  but please tell me how it went so I can improve, and tell u a better quiz next time we meet (that totally didn't rhyme but please do tell... till next time then...)
It was SOO awful I wasted my time on this!
It was worth doing it
now I REALLY want 2 know what I got
I didn't liked it... I rated and commented it...