What is your warrior cat name? (5)

What is your warrior cat name? (5)

Do you love warrior cats and want to know what your warrior name is? Then this is the quiz for you do this quiz and discover what your warrior name is.

published on June 26, 201559 responses 15
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Welcome all warrior cat fans are you ready to take this quiz?

Welcome all warrior cat fans are you ready to take this quiz?
Not really
Why? I've been ready this whole time

Do you have a mate or kits

Do you have a mate or kits
Yes I do
Yes of course

Would you still help someone even if they are a loner or a cat from another clan?

Would you still help someone even if they are a loner or a cat from another clan?
As long as we no it is not a trap
Of course anything to keep them safe even if they are from another clan
Maybe if I don't what are you gonna do about it
Possibly no I only help my clan and my clan only

Are you loyal to Starclan?

Are you loyal to Starclan?
Why yes with all my heart
Not always
Yes I am and I always will be
Not completely but I will still stay loyal to them

Has anything ever made you unhappy?

Has anything ever made you unhappy?
Possibly when the plans we make for attacks or bare leaf go horribly wrong
Having a traitor among our clan
Being shunned because of the heritage I am from
Anything that seems to really tick me off

If you have kits what are there names?

If you have kits what are there names?
Honeykit, Gingerkit, and Fishkit
The same names that are at the top
I have no kits
Pouncefeather, Leafclaw, Shreddedface, and Owlscreech are now full grown warriors

Are you disloyal to your clan?

Are you disloyal to your clan?
Obscured! I would never betray my clan!
Loyal as I'll ever be
I am loyal even if others don't think so
Yes, yes, and yes

What is your rank in your clan??

What is your rank in your clan??
Leader duh
Warrior of course
Deputy is my specialty
Warrior now and forever

What clan are you in?

What clan are you in?
Totally Iceclan
Deathclan is the clan I am in

Ready to see the results?

Ready to see the results?
Surprise me