Who are you from Shadow of Mordor?

From the newest Lord of the rings game; Shadow of Mordor. Take the quiz and find out which on of the many characters you are.

published on May 12, 201522 responses 0
Who are you from Shadow of Mordor?
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You find yourself in Mordor, now what?

You find yourself in Mordor, now what?
Find and rescue as many humans as you can and get them to safety.
Start murdering your way through the Uruk ranks until you become Warchief.
Seek out the Grave walker, so that he might aid you in your fight.
You find the nearest Uruk and take control of his mind to find out about the activity in Mordor.
Find a Caragor and make it your new steed for the rest of your stay.
Overrun the Black Gates and lead the Uruk hoards into Mordor.

Pick a race from Middle earth.

Pick a race from Middle earth.

Confronted by Uruks you...

Confronted by Uruks you...
Make them servants to your will by branding them all.
Take them all on!
Make them bow in recognition of who you are, or make an example of them.
Sic your Steed on them!
Avoid them as much as you can.
Set a trap for them and let them walk into it.

You are under attack from a pack of wild beasts you...

You are under attack from a pack of wild beasts you...
Slay them all, and take their heads as trophies.
Get away as fast as you can!
Tame them and make them obey your commands.
Gain the high ground and fend them off until they tire of the fight.
Cage the beasts and let your minions deal with them as they will.
Escape and return with an organized hunting party in order to deal with this threat.

This Creature is...

This Creature is...
A Ghul
A minor problem as long as you keep your distance.
A mere fly compared to your forces.
A foul, being of Mordor who like to attack en mass.

Ordered to kill an Uruk Warchief you...

Ordered to kill an Uruk Warchief  you...
Sneak in Kill him fight off any guards and then sneak out.
Ask for someone else to do it.
Have your men create a distraction and then kill him when he's not looking.
Brand him and make him serve you instead.
Track him down, isolate him from any other Uruk's and then fight him head on.
Do outright in front of all others to show what happens to those who displease you.

What creature is this one?

What creature is this one?
A nuisance.
A prize worthy of my time and skill.
Yet another foul and even more powerful being from Mordor.
A monster that needs to be avoided if possible, or put down.
I don't know but if I see one I'm out of here!
A Graug of Mordor

Injured and far from help you...

Injured and far from help you...
Are a Wraith and cannot die from a mortal injury.
Use your knowledge of herbs to make salves and medicines of your own.
Mend the wound and carry on.
Scream in agony until someone hears you and takes care of it.
Have already been killed, death would just be a welcome release.
Heal yourself with your dark powers, before seeking out the one who injured you.

Pick a color.

Pick a color.
Blue and White.
Yellow and Red.
Light Brown.
Vapor White.

You climb to the top of a large tower to gaze out over the land, and think to yourself...

You climb to the top of a large tower to gaze out over the land, and think to yourself...
There it is, my next destination. Let the hunt begin!
I remember all of these sights, but they are from another age.
This is a perfect place to spring an ambush!
What am I doing? I'm going to fall and kill myself
What a sight...