What's Your Perfect Study Environment?

What's Your Perfect Study Environment?

Find your perfect study spot now and guarantee successful studying for the rest of the year!

published on October 01, 201224 responses 3
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What time of day do you want to study?

Business hours. Any time between 8am and 6pm would
work for me.
All the time! I want to be able to get there at the crack
of dawn and leave way past midnight.
Whenever I want!
Maybe a little late, say 9:00pm?

Want to study alone or with lots of people?

People! I need the noise and busy environment.
Just me please!
A few strangers won't bother me. As long as they're doing their own thing.
I'm not sure. One day I may want to be alone and the next I want people.
A few people is okay...but they need to be quiet and studying.

What happens when you get hungry?

Food is a top priority. I always need a full cup of coffee.
No food! I must focus!
A cafe nearby works for me!
Maybe some leftovers?
I'd prefer a full-service dining hall and convenience store on hand.

How far are you willing to travel?

It's got to be pretty close, but outside Vanier for sure.
I could get on a bus if need be.
I don't want to leave campus. But I'm willing to walk 5-10 minutes.
Steps from my room.
Steps from my bed.

Will there be space for you?

There's always room for me!
I am pretty good at finding a hidden table.
I am willing to get up at dawn and fight for a table!
A little table corner for 1 please!
I could squish in but I'd prefer a table or couch.

And the overall environment needs to be....

casual and quiet; not necessarily a strict study space.
comfortable and fit for one.
changing; solo study one day and social study the next.
quiet and focused, but still well-populated.
social! Big spaces with lots of fellow studiers!