Your Abundance personality

Your Abundance personality

A quick test to review your abundance personality. Are you living in prosperity or poverty consciousness? Do you know there is a difference between these two types of consciousness and do you know how to differentiate between the two? How does not living in prosperity consciousness affect your life and the dreams you have?

published on December 14, 201123 responses 2
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In your life, you know that you are deserving of all the love, success, wealth and wellbeing that you want.

I see evidence of my worthiness in all areas of my life.
I have never truly believed that I am worthy, I am always trying to proof it to my self and others.
In some areas I feel successful, in others I have to struggle to achieve what I want.

In your life, whatever you want to achieve or put your mind to, somehow falls into place. It is as if you are guided or always on the right path.

I know I create this my self and that I can always tune into higher guidance.
Everything I do has come with hard work and effort. I also am realistic as to the effects of the economy and am not optimistic. I think people who believe in prosperity thinking are deluding themselves.
Sometimes life comes to me with ease and I am on top of the world. Other times I feel unlucky or simply out of my depth.

In your experience, you find it easy to find answers to questions you have or to find solutions to problems in any area of life.

Yes, as soon as I want to experience or create something, my mind or my guidance finds a way.
I wish it was that easy. I can't get past my obsessive thoughts on the problems I have and I don't trust that something else will help me. I need to do it, figure out my self.
I am a genius in some areas and in some areas, I get mixed results. I wish I could be more consistent.

I find it easy to let go of things, mindsets, relationships, jobs, issues that are not working and swiftly move on to new opportunities.

Yes, I believe that whatever I want, I simply I have to ask for it and it will just show up as long as I believe in it and take inspired actions towards it.
I am bogged down by the problems that I can't control. This is for me my way of managing life, controlling it, confronting it and trying to fix it.
I acknowledge that I could be more successful in taking steps towards what I truly want and desire. There is doubt however as I still feel fear to fail.

I always trust and act upon my inner wisdom and know how to differentiate it from my mind chatter that is lingering in doubt, fear and judgements.

I have somehow learnt how to master my negative mindchatter. I know exactly what is speaking to me and what to trust and what to scrutinize, especially toxic thinking and patterns.
I have never trusted my own inner wisdom. Based on the results of my life, I don't find it easy to trust myself or anything.
I have a natural ability in some successful areas that I somehow don't know how to transfer into the areas where I struggle.