Are you a BuzzFeed quiz addict?

Are you a BuzzFeed quiz addict?

The first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. This quiz helps you decide whether you can stop whenever you want to, or whether you might as well face it . . . you're addicted to Buzz.

published on March 08, 20149 responses 0
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How much caffeine do you consume in one day?

How much caffeine do you consume in one day?
Massive amounts!

In how many public medical emergencies have you been involved?

In how many public medical emergencies have you been involved?
More than 15!
1 to 15

Where did you go to college?

Where did you go to college?
Northwestern University
Somewhere other than Northwestern University
I did not go to college.

How many minutes can you exercise on a Nordic Track before you need an electrolyte replacement drink?

How many minutes can you exercise on a Nordic Track before you need an electrolyte replacement drink?
0 to 16
16 to 30
More than 30

How many BuzzFeed quizzes do you take per day?

How many BuzzFeed quizzes do you take per day?
All of them!
5 to 10
1 to 5