Which Glitter Force Character are You?

Glitter Force is a show where 5 warriors known as the Glitter Force need to save the planet Jubiland from fairy tale monsters like Uric the Big Bad Wolf and his Buffoons! It is SOOO amazing! The warriors' names are Emily (Glitter Lucky) Kelsey (Glitter Sunny) April (Glitter Spring) Lily (Glitter Peace) and Chloe (Glitter Breeze)! If you want to find out which one you are, take this quiz! Until then... GLITTER FORCE MAKEOVER!

published on January 23, 201656 responses 11
Which Glitter Force Character are You?
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How would your friends describe you?

How would your friends describe you?
Happy, Bubbly, Cheery
Energetic, Friendly, Nice.
Nervous, Talented, Shy.
Energetic, Cool, Sporty.
Smart, Confident, Helpful.

What is your fave color?

What is your fave color?
Orange, really.
Um... Yellow
Green totaly!

Which of these sayings best represents you?

Which of these sayings best represents you?
A magical shimmer; a glow in your heart!
when you mess with me, You mess with fire!
Puppies and Kittens, The power of love!
A force as strong as life itself!
Cool and swift as the Winter wind!

You forgot your homework at school today! What do you do?

You forgot your homework at school today! What do you do?
Pst. Chloe. Can I copy of your homework?
Um. Excuse me teacher... I forgot my Homework... :Bursts into tears:
I'll just race back home and get it.
It doesn't matter if I'm late or not. I will walk home and get it. My teacher will understand.

Someone passes a note to you and you get in trouble for it! What do you do?

Someone passes a note to you and you get in trouble for it! What do you do?
Act cool. go to the principle and tell on the someone.
Um...Sorry...:bursts into tears:
Tell the truth loudly and clearly to the teacher
The teacher knows I would never pass notes.

Your friend is not working on a project that you and her were supposed to do together! The project is late and she blames you! What do you do?

Your friend is not working on a project that you and her were supposed to do together! The project is late and she blames you! What do you do?
I try to reason with them
Tell the teacher the truth.
:burst into tears:
Stay calm. Complain to your friend's parents.
Look for another angle around this problem.

And Lastly, Who is your favorite character? (If you never watched the show, pick which one sounds nicest.(Doesn't affect your score))

And Lastly, Who is your favorite character? (If you never watched the show, pick which one sounds nicest.(Doesn't affect your score))
Glitter Lucky!
Glitter Sunny!
Glitter Peace!
Glitter Spring!
Glitter Breeze!