Would I Date You? (Boys Only, Sorry!)

Would I Date You? (Boys Only, Sorry!)

Would I date you boys? If you get probably, or definitely or something like that feel free to message me! Actually message me!

published on December 09, 201331 responses 9
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What's you hair like?

I'm emo. It's black/highlighted, long and covering most of my face.
About mid length and a brown colour! (Light or dark)
Mid length and dirty, natural blonde!
Short and very dark!
I dye it a lot. It's often red or bright blonde.

What colour are your eyes?

Brown. Really dark brown!
Light brown!
Pale/dark blue.
Mixed, it's like hazel green and blue mixed together.
Green. Bright green.

Do you like a debate?

No! I like everything to be at peace!
Yes! I have to debate!
Sometimes it's very good to!

Do you like school?

Aw, school sucks! I'm dropping out soon! Hate it!
It's pretty good most of the time. I'm sticking in because I really want a good job!
It's amazing! I absolutely love school!

What best describes you? :)

A strong leader. I'm determined, always, I won't stop until I'm weak!
I'm really good at sports and fighting. I'm a bit of a bad guy!
I'm really caring! I'll always protect you no matter what!
I'm intelligent and wise. Good at riddles and decoding!

Are you confident?

I'm so confident! I always believe in my abilities!
I'm quite confident. Not overly confident. Sometimes I doubt myself a lot.
Really not confident at all.

Are you good at sport?

I'm amazing!
Nope, I'm not.
I'm quite good. I'm much better at other sports though.

Idea of a perfect date?

Going on a date to watch some football!
Camping out in a nice forest for a day or two, setting campfires, drinking hot chocolate and toasting marshmallows!
A lovely, candle-lit dinner, gourmet!
Movies and fastfood! We can eat together while discussing the movie!
Sitting in the comfort of my own house, playing video games!