are you a rude person when your with your man??

are you a rude person when your with your man??

take the test and find out dont be lazy find out who you really are and how your bf see you

published on November 25, 201331 responses 4
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do you get mad whe people wanna come ova there with you and your mann and ruin yall quality time together?

do you get mad whe people wanna come ova there with you and your mann and ruin yall quality time together?
kind of
hell yeah its called together not no 3 some
nope he will get mad if i say something

are you always rude??

are you always rude??
nope im a sweetheart
when i want to be
hell yeah when you mess with the people i care about
ima knock someone out!

when your man is getting beat up what would you do??

when your man is getting beat up what would you do??
run and call the cops
jump in the fight and beat the guys that hurting my
try and break it up then make sure he okay

do youu really love him?

do youu really love him?
naw just felt bad for the poor guy
no he forced me to date him
hell yeah he love me whyy got a problem with it?
yes i sure do :)

do you fight a girl even if she looks at your man wrong?

do you fight a girl even if she looks at your man wrong?
yupp i dont play that!
i want to but he gonna get mad
noooo only if she get in his face