Who would be your perfect best friend from wild child?

Who would be your perfect best friend from wild child?

So, do you love the 2008 movie 'Wild Child' starring the amazing Emma Roberts? Well lets see who your best friend would be if you went to the English boarding school too...

published on August 05, 201317 responses 3
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You're at a new boarding school. What is the first thing you do?

You're at a new boarding school. What is the first thing you do?
Make new friends.
Ask the teachers if you can be a representative.
List all the bad things about your new school and have a moan to the teachers/your parents.

What is your idea of an ideal room-mate?

What is your idea of an ideal room-mate?
Someone who will do whatever you say and won't argue with you.
Someone who will be fun and who doesn't mind breaking the rules with you.
Someone who is kind and considerate and easy to get along with.

You hate your new school uniform. What do you do about it?

You hate your new school uniform. What do you do about it?
Grit your teeth and wear it anyway. After-all, rules are rules!
Change the uniform to make it more 'you'. Who cares about the rules?
What do you mean 'don't like the uniform' ??? Uniforms are smart!

You fancy a boy in your class but how do you act?

You fancy a boy in your class but how do you act?
Flirt flirt flirt!
Be you. If he likes you, he likes you. If he doesn't like you, he doesn't like you. You're not going to change yourself.
If he doesn't like girls with your hair colour, dye your hair, if he doesn't like girls who wear ugg-boots, throw yours away. Just basically change yourself for him.

What do you think of maths and English?

What do you think of maths and English?
I quite enjoy maths and English actually. Learning new things can be fun if you look at it in a positive way. Obviously, I'm always top of the class!
Maths and English is ok I suppose. I'm not top of the class and I'm not bottom of the class either. Just comfy in the middle. Sometimes I think it's all really boring, but it can be fun sometimes too!
What is even the point of it all. I can read thankyou very much so I don't need a lesson on it every single day :( And as for maths, who cares about a bunch of stupid old numbers. I'll never understand maths and English...

You hear someone in your class has been saying nasty things about you behind your back. You...

You hear someone in your class has been saying nasty things about you behind your back. You...
March up to them and give them a piece of your mind, not always using pleasant words and certainly not letting them get a word in. Nobody messes with you!
Ask them politely why they said those things about you, and listen to their reasons.
Think of a cunning way to get your revenge on them...

Someone doesn't invite you to a make-over session in their dorm...but it seems everyone's going. What do you do?

Someone doesn't invite you to a make-over session  in their dorm...but it seems everyone's going. What do you do?
Be mad that you didn't get an invite and have a good old moan.
Accept that you weren't invited and read a magazine instead.
Go anyway, just to annoy everyone!

What is the worst thing about you? Be honest...

What is the worst thing about you? Be honest...
You've got a really bad attitude.
You're really bossy.
You can sometimes be TOO kind and you find it hard to say no to people.

The school disco is coming up. You want to wear...

The school disco is coming up. You want to wear...
A grand dress. You must look as fancy and posh as possible.
Something super hot and glamorous, that will get you noticed by ALL the boys!
Something crazy that you wouldn't usually wear. A disco is the perfect opportunity to take some fashion risks.

What is your best quality?

What is your best quality?
You're a great leader and you've always got lots of new ideas.
You're a great friend. You'll do anything for them.
You're determined and will do whatever it takes to make what you want to happen, happen.