What makes you stand out from other people?

What makes you stand out from other people?

What makes you stand out from other people? Is it your outstanding talent to sing, dance or maybe your known for your incredible friendliness!

published on June 10, 201387 responses 13
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It's English next, what do you normally do in lessons?

It's English next, what do you normally do in lessons?
Sit and don't talk so I don't disrupt others education.
Mess around pulling faces across the classroom to your friends.
Memorize song lyrics/ dance steps in your head or scribble in the notes page in your planner!
Depends what mood I'm in really!
Sit quietly and listen.
Sit there day dreaming about all sorts.
Throw paper aeroplanes at the teacher and call her/him 'elf ears'!
Sit and chat brushing my hair to perfection!

I f you had a tag what would It be?

I f you had a tag what would It be?
Kindness to others always pays off.
Slowly pending...
Born to perform!
A bit of each is a beautiful mixture of life.
So much to say but nothing comes out!
I wasn't even bothered when a dog did a sprinkle on my X-Box.
Mayhem is the medicine!
So popular I can't breathe!

How many contacts do you have on your mobile?

How many contacts do you have on your mobile?
Hmmm, not many!
They are mostly people I have met from dance and concerts and writing competitions maybe 10-20?
Well not many mainly family.
Can't be bothered counting...
LOADS mate!!!
Wow nearly 200 maybe more!

What is your favourite word?

What is your favourite word?
Kindness/ honesty/ hope.
Inspiration/ talent/ sketch
mayhem/ chaos/ ...
chatty/gossip/ complexion

What's your favourite colour? Why?

What's your favourite colour? Why?
Yellow, it is a sunny colour!
Purple! It is a nice colour!
rainbow colour!
Something like blue or green!
*yawn* so bored!
Red because it is the first colour you see when you go into a room!

What do you do in your spare time? Or at brake?

What do you do in your spare time? Or at brake?
Make a persuasive poster/pamphlet for a good cause!
Sing my heart out or make up dance routines in the play ground!
A numerous amount of things, draw/write/talk/mess around/play.
Stand read quietly!
Fall asleep on the desk!
Throw paper aeroplanes and torment dinner ladies and teachers!
Chat and gossip whilst brushing my lovely hair to perfection!

What is your favourite kind of food?

What is your favourite kind of food?
I am a vegetarian (or I would become vegetarian if I could)!
Well I drink lots of water to keep my vocal chords clear but I just eat all sorts really!
Depends what I'm in the mood to eat, sweet or sour, tangy or plain...
I can't think of a specific thing...
Just stick a microwave oven meal in...
*throws aeroplane at me as I ask the question*.
Anything that doesn't increase my waist line.

There is word of a fight at school, do you:

There is word of a fight at school, do you:
I might go most likely not to.
No I'm not going.
Tell the teacher straight away!
Offer to be the cheerleader!
Umpa lumpa dooberdy doo!
Not going. End of. Peace out.
What planet are you on! I'm in the fight me!
Hmm might go bit boring.

What is your ideal school trip?

What is your ideal school trip?
Maybe a museum, or a charity event...
La la la la...
TV studio, learn how to draw tutorial...
Anything that is fun...
School trips are boring!
TV studio!

What would you be most likely to buy in a shop?

What would you be most likely to buy in a shop?
Something fair-trade.
Miscellaneous things like little weird rubbers and bouncy balls etc.
A sketch pad, pencils, pens...
Magazines, food, sweets, rubbers...
Books, writing pad...
Prank & joke book! Sweets, chocolate.
Gossip magazines, sweets (maybe).

And finally, what do people around you describe you as?

And finally, what do people around you describe you as?
Weird, silly, annoying sometimes.
Annoying, naughty, disruptive.
Selfless and thoughtful, perfect.
Talented, creative.
Quiet, perfect.
Needs more motivation, lazy.
Sometimes quiet, can be silly sometimes.
Surrounded by people, socialist, gossip maker.