Does my crush like me?girls only

Does my crush like me?girls only

see if you your crush likes you with this awsome test GIRLS ONLY!!!! y not try

published on February 10, 2013367 responses 59
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do you ever flirt with him?

yeah were always flirting with eachover
nooo are you crazy i already said i never talk to him
umm yeah but as a joke

do you think he likes you

durrr course he likes me
no i thin hes toatally un-intrested
i dunno thats y im doing this test

does he ever phone/call/message/email you?

yeah all the time to catch up :D
No to shy to ask for his number:(
yes but only to check for homework and thats it

does he have a gf?

yeah im so sad there toatts in love
noooo hes single
no but he likes this girl and she likes him

Are you friends with your crush?

yesh were like best friends
no we never talk
i suppose, we go same school

have u ever hugged/kissed/held hands or any physical contact?

OF course all the time!
nhaaa never boo hoo ;(
yeh but only as a joke/dare

Does he talk to you?

yeah of course he does
nope never :-(
only if he passes me in the hall

Does he stare at you ?

yeah all the time
no not at all
sometimes but not much