WWFFY Secrets of a Broken Soul Ch 1

WWFFY Secrets of a Broken Soul Ch 1

If you haven't already read the prologue to this, do that before this! And so Alice has been taken away from Uncle and is driving to St. Abraham's Orphanage. The story takes place in Kerkhoven, Maine. :D

published on December 18, 201422 responses 8
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I looked out the car window as we drove closer to my new home. The driver wasn't trying to start a conversation so I found it best to not say anything. We were on the coast and I could see the waters crashing against Maine's rocky shore.

I looked out the car window as we drove closer to my new home. The driver wasn't trying to start a conversation so I found it best to not say anything. We were on the coast and I could see the waters crashing against Maine's rocky shore.
How pretty! :D
I want to see this orphanage you speak of
ugh, Maine. ugh, water. >:(
I want to meet the dudes!
I want to go play in the water! but it might be a little cold...

Then suddenly, the shady driver said, "We are going to stop here for a moment. There's another kid I'm supposed to pick up."
So they stopped at a small, baby blue house on the side of the road, it looked very beat-down. There stood a tall boy with dark-red hair standing with his baggage. He looked as if he'd been crying because his face was red and puffy-looking. Nevertheless, I could still tell he was very attractive.

He sounds wonderful :D
This looks sketchy :/
pfff, not as attractive as me obviously.
My spidey-senses are tingling
Stranger danger!

So the driver got out of the car to help the boy with his bags when a crazy-looking woman burst out of the house yelling, "Get the hell outa here you little piece of shit!"
The boy hurried into the car and took a seat next to me.

;-; poor poor boy I just want to hug you
sheesh and they aren't going to lock that woman up? >:(
New person! yay!
I'm sure they'll arrest her just wait...they always do.
P4 you know I worry about you o.o

As we continued driving down the road the boy looked over to me and said, "My name is Kipp, and yeah I guess you've seen enough to know why I'm here. What about you?"
Returning his smile I replied, "I'm Alice, I lived with my Uncle before. Just earlier today I was told that he was a druggie and that he wasn't fit to live with anymore so I was taken out of school and now to this orphanage. It's so scary and I don't know what to expect!"
Kipp's emerald green eyes brimmed with sympathy. I barely knew him and I already felt as if he was someone I could trust. "I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I will always be here for you. We can go into there as friends." He held out his hand and I took it feeling warmth spread throughout my shivering body.

AWWW. This is so sweet! <3 I ship them!
How lovely <3
;) just kiss already
But can you really trust him?
Glad she made a friend that's good.

The rest of the car ride I talked to Kipp, spilling all my life story to him. For once I truly felt as though I was happy. Then, the man driving said, "We are at the orphanage's gates. Sure enough looking ahead there were rusty black gates opening to a great vastness of grassy fields. In the middle was a hill and on top of that was a huge building in which was St. Abraham's Orphanage. "Welcome to your new home," the driver said with little enthusiasm.

The rest of the car ride I talked to Kipp, spilling all my life story to him.  For once I truly felt as though I was happy. Then, the man driving said, "We are at the orphanage's gates. Sure enough looking ahead there were rusty black gates opening to a great vastness of grassy fields. In the middle was a hill and on top of that was a huge building in which was St. Abraham's Orphanage. "Welcome to your new home," the driver said with little enthusiasm.
Wow! It must awesome if it's that big!
I want to see the inside now
That enthusiasm tho...
That guy needs to get a better attitude.
We don't have to take community showers do we? O.O

I got out of the car and followed Kipp up the stone steps to its doors. I took a deep breath and walked inside. A lady greeted us when we got inside. She had brown curly hair and was very loud. "Oh hello there! I'm Mrs. Lidell and I am in charge of all you children! I will show you around after we have you give us a little info in the office okay? We can talk more later, now go straight ahead to that door there. Hurry along!" Mrs. Lidell said.

Whaat. I can see how she can be annoying.
I don't like this Mrs Lidell.
A little info eh? ;)
She didn't even ask for our names? What is this!
She must be a busy woman.

And with that, Mrs. Lidell was off. Kipp and I looked at eachother and shrugged. I followed the hallway straight and sure enough was a wooden door that read "office." When we walked through you could hear all the people talking and doing different things. There were rows of rusty chairs along the walls for you to sit and ahead were the office workers at their desks. Behind that was a door leading to other parts of the building. A woman looked up from her desk and called Kipp to go to her. He said bye and was gone.

And with that, Mrs. Lidell was off. Kipp and I looked at eachother and shrugged. I followed the hallway straight and sure enough was a wooden door that read "office." When we walked through you could hear all the people talking and doing different things. There were rows of rusty chairs along the walls for you to sit and ahead were the office workers at their desks. Behind that was a door leading to other parts of the building. A woman looked up from her desk and called Kipp to go to her. He said bye and was gone.
awe bye :3
Where is she taking him? This is still sketchy to me! >:/
My only friend! NOO! You will always be remembered! TvT
In comparison to its size, this orphanage isn't very fancy you know
Is he going to get raped? *gasp* X.X

I went to take a seat while I waited for my turn to do whatever it is Mrs. Lidell was talking about. I sat down next to a lean boy with black hair. He glanced at me as I sat down but said nothing. The door to the office bust open and three guys came in shouting at each other. One had light brown hair and looked really pissed, "I told you that I'M getting the top bunk tonight! You had it yesterday, so its MY turn!"

;-; Must you be so obnoxious?
Well there goes the peace and quiet -_-
Stop arguing you fools! You'll get yourself in trouble!
Brown-haired guy is hott with two T's ;)
I want to know more about the guy sitting next to me! :D

"NO. You lost the bet so I get it! That was the deal, do you not comprehend that?" this time it was the one with honey blonde hair talking. "Guys! Do you want the counselors to make both of you sleep on the floor? Because that's what is going to happen if you don't shut your traps!" yelled the last guy to walk in who had white hair.
As the three of them continued to argue the lady came back out with Kipp and she called to me.

Kipp your so hot :)
My turn to be raped O.o
Thank god the white-haired one told them whats what.
If I am to be raped, then I prefer the butt-rape. Okay just putting that out there.
Why does everyone think we're gonna get raped? God, calm yo selves.

So I followed her to the back and into a small room with two desks, one with a computer and one with paperwork. I sat down and she asked about what I've been through and typed it in on her computer. After she was through she said that my room number was 2C. There were 2 other girls that I shared it with. I would get to see them when it was night, but now we are to stay on this floor. We were done and I walked out to find Kipp and there was Mrs. Lidell standing with the loud guys Kipp, and the boy I sitting next to before.

:D Moar friends!
Well hello there
oooh I get roommates!
No butt-rape?*cough* I mean yeah I knew that.
Awesome, but I hope that there's no community showers here.

"Ah Ms. Alice come over here! These three gentleman here will take you, Kipp, and Oli here on a looksee around St. Abraham's! I'm just always busy you know so they will take my place for you I hope you don't mind that! Boys, introduce yourselves and be nice and we won't have to worry about what we just discussed okay? Bye!" said Mrs. Lidell.

"Ah Ms. Alice come over here! These three gentleman here will take you, Kipp, and Oli here on a looksee around St. Abraham's! I'm just always busy you know so they will take my place for you I hope you don't mind that! Boys, introduce yourselves and be nice and we won't have to worry about what we just discussed okay? Bye!" said Mrs. Lidell.
How fun :D Lets go !
Hmmpf, what a rude woman making promises she can't keep but hey I shouldn't be complaining I get to hang out with these guys :)
Glad I have hot guys to tour me instead of that obnoxious woman >:D
I don't wanna... eh just let me sleep in my stupid room aready
This is getting interesting C:

"Okay so my name's Louis and I'm only doing this because these bumbling idiots got me in trouble," said the tall, brown-haired guy frowning. The blonde looked at Louis offended and was about to say something in retort when the white-haired boy stopped him, "Yeah and I'm Ansel and this guy here," motioning to the blonde, "is Tom. We have been best pals here for a while but you know we have the occasional arguments you know." I laughed and said, "I'm Alice and this is my friend Kipp. We met in car drve here." The black-haired kid finally spoke up and said, "I'm Oli, short for Oliver. I have lived in this damn orphanage my whole life, the only reason I'm going with you guys is because of Ivan." "That guy is an asshole, I understand. What you did was really cool though Oli," replied Louis.

All these secrets, who is Ivan? :(
What did Oli do? :(
Ansel is the best just saying.
Who the hell is Ivan? >:O
Go Oli! Whatever it is you did, wooo!

I was about to ask them who Ivan was and what did Oli do but decided to go along with it, there was so much more to do. "So shall we go?" asked Tom. "Get a move on already!" replied Kipp good-naturedly and we all laughed.~

DAMN you should've asked about Ivan
YES we shall.
SLEEP.FOOD. Is that too much to ask for? ;-;
P4 Apparantly, yes it is :/

And I will stop there! Hoped you liked it so far I am going to try to make one chapter a day or every other day! Byee :D

And I will stop there! Hoped you liked it so far I am going to try to make one chapter a day or every other day! Byee :D
Byeee really good job :3
Loved it <3
Nice ;)
I just want sleep -_-