kindperson's Page Subscriptions - Page 2

kindperson is subscribed to 36 pages
OC Designing Page
Do you want a picture of your OC but you just can't do it? Come here! Describe what your OC looks like, what their personality is, etc. I will upload a picture of what I think your OC should look like. You can tell me what to e...
6 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
The creation page
Have a creation you want to share? Just come here and post a pic or write your idea here
3 subscribers 2 members fully opened
OC parents' designs (read description please)
Here, you can post up a picture of one of your OCs(and any siblings they have if you want to) for ANYTHING(I just chose a Sonic picture) so other people can make pictures of what they think the OC's parents may have looked lik...
11 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Type your name backwards (there will be a funny result)
So for example Sally would be Yllas! Its so frickin rainbows weird, right. Try it! It could be your new code name.
108 subscribers 4 members fully opened
spell words backwords!!!!
just write your words backwards and say funny things dont be emmbarresed!!
28 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Describe yourself in one picture
Not a pic of you, you friend or any drawing you think is cool but an actually pic, anime or not, that describes you perfectly :D please not hateful comments
47 subscribers 1 member fully opened
The 100+ Followers Page!
Do you have over 100 followers? Here is the place for everyone who does to hang out :D Become a member if you have 100+!
67 subscribers 51 members fully opened profile page
Shipping Confessions
Do you have a couple that you ship but think no one else ships? Who knows? Maybe someone else ships it too!
12 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Women's Rights!
If your a girl then JOIN this page! Girls deserve rights too! Girls are just as strong! Some males don't realize this. LET'S MAKE THEM!
51 subscribers 11 members fully opened
The Challengers
This is a challenge page. Every week, I will post a new challenge. It might be writing a story, or making a poll, or anything at all. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. You will find the rules and prizes at the bottom of the...
12 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Two Truths And One Lie!
Wanna Play Play A Fun, Guessing Game? Let's Play Two Truths And One Lie! Here You Tell Two Truths About Yourself And One Lie, And Other Qfeasters Guess Which One Is The Lie. You'll Probably Learn Something New About Them. :3 Ha...
111 subscribers 5 members fully opened
stupid school rules
we know that they say the school rules are to make us safe, but have they took these rules a little too far? SHARE THY RULE AMONST OTHERS AND SEE WHAT KIND OF RULES ARE AT OTHER SCHOOLS :D
50 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Story Ideas
this is for all of those stories ideas that you have but can't write about, please ask permission if you want to use one.
7 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Jokes and Riddles
A page for jokes about anything and riddles of all difficulty levels. Please subscribe!
14 subscribers 1 member
Qfeast News
Check out the latest news & updates from Qfeast: new features, tips & tricks, most popular items. Welcome to the official Qfeast News Page!
1160 subscribers 1 member
Quiz Ideas
Talk about the hottest quiz topics around. Share and discuss quiz ideas!
868 subscribers 1 member fully opened