crazynotstupid - Page 6

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Normal Wolf
Normal Wolf
Loyal to the pack. Trusting the missions you are given. Determined to please your pack. You are a wolf. Fierce in the face of danger, you never back down from a fight. You might not win all the fights, but at least you make your point clear. You can be shy at times; however, if threaten can turn into a huge threat. Normal is just a strong as anything else. You are hardworking and selfless in the line of work. You are yourself around anyone that comes in your way and never try to act like something you ain't. Keep that going, young wolf. It is what makes you who you are.

Hope the hunt excites you! Great job, wolf!
on August 28, 2014
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Which my little pony character are you? (3)
Find out which little pony you are, the options are Fluttershy Pinky Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity Apple Jack Twilight
38 responses 5
on August 28, 2014
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Rainbow Dash
Rainbowtastic! You are most like Rainbow Dash, that means you are strong and always accept a challenge! Being Rainbow Dash, you can be really competitive... But that is totally not a bad thing! it is good you can prove people wrong when they have doubts about what you do! You know how rainbows only come after rain? Well you only do good when you fail once or have doubts, so it is constructive critisism that keeps you strong and fast! Remember that words can NOT bring you down!
on August 28, 2014
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
"Sontra" - Illusions and mysteries monster
"Sontra" - Illusions and mysteries monster
You have great wisdom in that head of yours. You are a riddle master and take pleasure in the confusion of others, which you are quite well at making them become. No one knows where you truly live, legends say that you live and feed by people's dreams, the ultimate mysteries. They also say that you are immortal. They also say that you know the answers to the greatest mysteries of all, and that humans often sell their souls to ask you a single question. But the problem is, the answer, although it is the answer, is so confusing that they don't understand it.
on August 28, 2014
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If I were a monster, which would I be?...
Are you a deadly killer monster with sharp claws and red eyes? Or are you a "protector of light and truth" kind of monster? Or anything in between? Find out now.
61 responses 15
on August 28, 2014
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Passive, Assertive, Aggressive
Take this quiz to find out whether your actions are passive, assertive, or aggressive!
60 responses 78
on August 28, 2014
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Witch dragon are you? (1)
Discover witch mythical dragon you are. A fast one, a strong one, a powerful one? Who knows, try the quiz to find out.
78 responses 17
on August 28, 2014
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Earth and plant dragon
Earth and plant dragon
You live in the jungle and are immune to poison. Your are a master of the earth element. You the power to create lush life including plants. Your rider is male, his name is Rakin and is very wise and intelligent. Your breath is toxic poison in the form of mist or liquid. Your colour is different shades of green.
on August 28, 2014
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You stand up for what is right, and your own beliefs. You don't hurt others. You put yourself in the shoes of both sides, and think of a fair solution.
on August 28, 2014