StarTheCrusader's Page Subscriptions - Page 4

StarTheCrusader is subscribed to 78 pages
All To Stop Bullying Page
I was once bullied and it is not fun. If you want to stop bullying than join this page. If you have had a bullying experience you are welcome to put your story on this page.
11 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Draw all you want
Hi fellow artists! Love to draw? Join this page! Post your drawings! Join my world where pencils and brushes rule!
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Wanna play Truth or Dare?
Here are the rules: 1. no offensive, violent, or sexual stuff 2. you HAVE to do ALL dares and answer ALL the questions that follow the rules 3. have fun!
35 subscribers 7 members fully opened profile page
All About OCs!
This is a page all about Original Characters! Post any facts about your characters, guides to making a well developed character, etc! Remember to be polite, and don’t critique unless someone asks for feedback. Rules and Regulat...
3 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
Cat crew
Cool cats come and be recognized or just join the animal community here!
5 subscribers 2 members fully opened
What you say vs what you mean
What you say to your friends or family vs what you mean. We all know it happens.
44 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Things You JUST Can't Stand
i felt like reviving this page, try not to cause too much drama and such.
40 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Active Qfeasters United
People come and go on this site. But there are many that stay. This is a page for those who have stayed throughout it all.
10 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Art page (2)
Hello my beautiful artisit! Here you can post pics of it art and videos of you drawing (if that's even anything you can do on qfeast)
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Kidnapped character submissions
I will take characters for my new story. They have to be 21 or younger There will be 4 main characters and I will use the others as extras. It’s about these teenagers that are kidnapped and brought to a planet like earth but di...
10 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
MLP roleplay
Hey guys I'm going to make a page were we can role play as any MLP (my little pony) character you want or you can make up you own! ANY ONE IS FREE TO JOIN! JOIN NOW!!
7 subscribers 22 members profile page
Role play as a wolf
You can make a pack or be a lone. The form will be at the bottom ot the page
10 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
The rise of Qfeasters
Hey, you wonderful human beings! I'm making a game, and I want to know: Do you want to be in it? Feel free to post yourself, and you will be added as either: a playable character, an npc, or a supporting character. Feel free to...
12 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Qfeast News
Check out the latest news & updates from Qfeast: new features, tips & tricks, most popular items. Welcome to the official Qfeast News Page!
1160 subscribers 1 member
Your pets
Post pictures of your pets, talk about funny stuff they did, and do whatever that has to do with your pets.
9 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Best Youtubers in the world of Youtube
What are some of the youtubers you think are the best do you like there vids, or just a fan. This is a page where you can find some youtubers that might be the one to watch or don't know what to watch find what to watch here
8 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Daddy Waluigi
WaLUIIGII IS beeettER ThanPenny I better Bae than that thot over thErE
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
writing contest! every month!
I will post a new theme every month, and you guys write a story using that theme, then I will make a poll about which is the best story for everyone to vote!
7 subscribers 1 member fully opened