Ravenclaw3243's Favorite Stories - Page 2

Ravenclaw3243 has 33 stories marked as favorite
Bobie's 1st Grade Diary
hallo peeoples. you've read the kindergarten diary and the summer diary... now its 1st grade time! yay! juice! flavored soap!
62 reads 15 readers 23
Bobified Songs!
Hello! BobDaCool here. first off, these songs are going to be sorta like my Frozen songs bob style, but these are gonna be regular everyday songs! Hope you like them.
36 reads 15 readers 7
The meaning of life (1)
A short story about a young hero that dared question reality and find out the meaning of life.
32 reads 11 readers 6
Heather is an 16 year old girl who just moved from Georgia. As she starts a new school, she makes three unlikely friends. When the Fall Festival comes along, Candy, Coraline, and Tracy want to repay the favor by finding Heather...
292 reads 40 readers 56
Little Known Facts About Harry Potter
Every now and then I will upload chapters about little known Harry Potter facts and stories.
257 reads 42 readers 15
Changing The World
With a war separating Earth, two sides (Adya,light side, and Duante, dark side) are locked in a deadly war. Two unlikely teams must work together to prevent a dark evil that is beginning to awake, or will they destroy each othe...
155 reads 20 readers 27
Frozen Songs BOB style
Here are some of the songs from frozen BOB STYLE!!! I hope you all enjoy!
129 reads 28 readers 44
The Celestial Born
Its finally here ^.^ Well the full prologue will be for now, if you would like a oc please go to my question asking about ocs for this and its a profile question, anyways hope you enjoy ^.^
22 reads 16 readers 11
Creepypasta Poetry
Ok, this is some poetry I've wrote about creepypasta, obviously. Whether you think my poems are good or bad please do not leave any hate comments. This is just for fun so I'd rather only have positive criticism. If you have any...
59 reads 34 readers 3
Digits of Pi to 100,000
I am going to recite the digits of Pi on here for no reason. No Wonder (land! got you there Brendan) The_Brendan is always telling me that. Pretend the picture is reciting it for you.
111 reads 28 readers 8
Moon Water
This is my first story. I don't know if it's any good. Just read it. I don't care how terrible it is.
60 reads 21 readers 9
The Capitol Games
After the Revolution, it was decided there would be a Hunger Games with Capitol Children. Dawn Moonstone is one of the tributes for the first Capitol Hunger Games. Will she survive?
200 reads 36 readers 30