ELINAviolets - Page 50

story short... I'ma bored, and Love reading fanfictions and stories.
So I'm just gonna be here being awesome, if you wanna join go right ahead.
Sure, the info's right... but the picture doesn't really match though...
You Are Bonnie! You're A Bit Shy but your Outgoing,Friendly And Creative!
on March 27, 2015
Saph, I have a question...
Do you know half of the people even following u?...
Oh, and happy 1000,oooooooooooo :D &[]
Thanks! And...sadly, no :c though I would like to! Cuz im social like that XP
on March 27, 2015
on March 27, 2015
Some say that the things that you love, (sometimes) hurt you the most...
I found out that this saying is kinda true, since I love horses...
*Bitten; few seconds later my upper-arm was blue
*Fallen from horse; almost 10 times, some were from running from dogs in galop (fast running), some from just galoping, some from being trown off the horse, some of the horse getting scared (horses get scared of almost anything, and yes I fell in galop) and some from just sitting on him/her... See More▼
Yeah...I've had horse accidents too and I stil love them. :)
on March 29, 2015
on March 27, 2015
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Have you Ever had a injury?
Have you ever gotten dinged up from a skateboard trick? Stepped on a nail? Hit by a car? or cut yourself? If so, how bad? and what did you learn from the situation? This page in no way is meant to be cruel or to show everyon...
10 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
on March 27, 2015
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Your reasons
Tell your reasons,for smiling,being happy,living(cutting...) etc I wsnt to know your reasons
9 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
on March 27, 2015
PEOPLE Attention:
If I'm cranky, pissed off or not that much online. Know, It's my time of month...
Thnx 4 reading and have a nice day ^-^
on March 27, 2015
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Tokyo Ghoul RP
you live in tokyo, and the ghouls are everywhere. You are a human trying to live or a ghoul trying to find food. good luck (this is a rp)
8 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
on March 26, 2015
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Angel and demons rp
Pso just liek the title says ^.^ A so,there are riles in the kingdom of hell and paradise Its proibitaded a angel and demon to be in love,or you will be punished(only in hell u will be punished) Thats all :3
13 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
on March 26, 2015
*after reading most comments* Ummhh... U guys should probably change the question.
I mean, Most people just ask if you could ship them and others are far away from the topic itself. I think the people who say their qfeast-crush are brave, I also have one but I'm WAAAYY to scared to put it on the internet. So I think the question should be something like this:
" What would ur crush look and personality be like?" or something like that... U u can even just make it up cauze except See More▼
@Markimoo If you don't trust ur heart with the desision, then just don't do it... yet...
If it was a real-world crush, I'd tell u to help him/her with her problems and tell him/her to embrace yc's (your crush) flaws yet be unreachable or else it's the friendzone 4 u my friend.
but this is a internet love-song (search the song up, it's awesome) so you have to See More▼
on March 26, 2015
Yeah...she's/he's nice. And I really want to tell that person!!! But I'm too shy to tell the person... I'm afraid of being turned down...like I always was...I can't trust anyone with my heart...
on March 26, 2015
@Markimoo the person ur talking about sounds to be out of a fairy-tale :D Success though ^-^
on March 26, 2015
Loyal, kind, same interests, funny... And my crush is on Qfeast...agh...he/she is so nice... And funny. And random. And pretty/handsome...:">
on March 26, 2015
@Markimoo I'm glad some people r agreeing :D but what would ur crush be like? ^-^
on March 26, 2015
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on March 26, 2015
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Qfeast crushes
This is where you name your Qfeast crushes, and have them find out, only if you want them to know.
36 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
on March 26, 2015
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Mafia Five Nights At Freddy's
This is where you can ask or dare the FNAF crew, except in mafia style. Your OC can even be apart of it.
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on March 26, 2015
Annoying news-reporter at your doorstep ^-^
Mafia Five Nights At Freddy's's Photo 13
on March 26, 2015
created a poll
Homework- A speech about spanish dance.
Jota Aragone...
Sardana: Dur...
Muñeira: is ...
Zambra: The ...
+ 5 more
11 votes 3
on March 26, 2015
Do u think u can copy my profile-pic?
hair: brown, it's pretty long (pwease c prof-pic)
skin: pale or something like that...
shirt color: purple (see prof-pic)
pants: blue
shoes color: purple
Any hats: not necessary but if u want 2 See More▼
Done! :)
on March 26, 2015
on March 26, 2015
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Who Wants One of These Characters?
Look at the picture for the page, if you want one made for you just ask me! Fill out a form though. Form: Hair color: Skin color: Shirt color: Pants color: Shoes color: Any hats: Color of hat: (If you chose to have a hat) Lo...
15 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on March 26, 2015
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Finish the Lyrics!
Basically, song chains. One person posts the first couple lines of a song, someone else comments the next couple lines, and so on.
10 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
on March 25, 2015
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Tuesdays are the improvements of Monday, it's the day to fix rushed and unfinished wounds
Main Color: Orange or green
Personality: Friendly and curious
Tuesdays are interested and want to make as much changes in everything possible, they like to contribute
on March 25, 2015
Yeah, It's purple ^-^
The symbol of calmness
on March 25, 2015
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FNaF Fanfic Story OCs needed!
The title describes itself! The form will be below and the rules will be posted! Name: Age: Gender: Staff/Animatronic: Personality: Looks: Likes: Dislikes: Family(?): Other: PLEASE READ THE RULES BEFORE MAKING YOUR OC!
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
on March 25, 2015
I'm Finally done with the first chapter so I hope you'll enjoy ^-^
... and those would be?...
you don't have to post it here but you have to tell me them one way or another... but you choice ^-^
on March 25, 2015
It's Japanese names, and yes I would
on March 25, 2015
What's with all the chinees or something like that names? :P
And would you want a "special" moment with him cauze there's gona be an entire chapter (and maybe 2) about you and Takeshi and It would be very un-true if I made up those moments :-O
on March 24, 2015
I'd like to call the girl Misaki...
on March 24, 2015
I already planned how It's gonna end but would you want something special and what would you want to call "the girl"? :D
on March 24, 2015
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on March 24, 2015