Deku_Deku's Page Subscriptions - Page 2

Deku_Deku is subscribed to 116 pages
Qfeaster's as Anime!
OKay, I have seen a few a pages where you can put a picture of yourself on but I have seen so many people be sad because they didnt have a photo to upload or was nervous about it. SO how about posting yourself as a anime chactu...
88 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Riverside High RP
Growing up in Riverside, Riverside High is yet another stepping stone in kids lives before they go on to do bigger and better things. However, the school itself holds some dark secrets between senior staff members that seem a b...
13 subscribers 3 members fully opened profile page
Fairy tail rp (2)
You can RP as your OC or a charecter from the anime so yah ketchup ketchup
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Kawai food rp :3
Your a cute desért like cake,cupcake,icecream,pancack,waffles or the best,cookies! But please fill this Name: Age:yeah i know Personality:0-0 Desert: Flavor:the flavor is only for cake icecream cupcake and cookie Friends:
6 subscribers 5 members fully opened profile page
The Last Stand RP
The outbreak of the undead started a year ago today... Humanity's numbers have since dwindled down to nearly nothing... Between mutants and zombies, can our heroes and heroines continue their fight? Or will they meet their end ...
2 subscribers 14 members profile page
Blackwell Academy RP
Welcome to Blackwell Academy for gifted youngsters. This is not your ordinary school as this academy is for kids who had developed powers. This school is very selective in the hiring process, but almost every student is accepte...
16 subscribers 6 members fully opened profile page
West Skies RP
Be a flying mythical creature, or a human who hunts them, if you are not a creature you must be a hunter... things that would classify for flying creatures are anything with wings (Angels, Demons, Fairies, Shape-shifters, Drago...
17 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
page for teenagers!!!
only for teens,seniors r not allowed!!! :P :P :P.if u r 10-18 years old then join with this page!!
46 subscribers 16 members fully opened profile page
Make a Character!
This page is to make your own character (Well duh)! Instructions: 1. Name 2. Hair color 3. Eye color 4. Likes 5. Dislikes 6. Personality 7. Gender 8. Pets 9. Name of pet (if it has one) 10. Hobbies.... And you can add any other...
14 subscribers 12 members fully opened
Qfeast Roleplaying Pages
A top list of roleplaying Qfeast pages. Find and share rp pages! Important: as before, all rp pages shall be marked as 'profile'
454 subscribers 1 member fully opened
I dare you to press paste.
I dare you to press paste. Let's see the last thing you copied. Why? I dunno.
44 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Public you vs You at home
How you eat your food, what you wear, etc, etc. Basically what the title says.
13 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Sonic rp.
Yes now I got off my lazy a** and decided to make one. Okay? I felt left out. Anyway do whatever you please on here but if your going to be a hater then take it somewhere else. kk later haters.
15 subscribers 4 members fully opened profile page
Your Sonic ocs
Show off create and reveal your sonic ocs (no adoptables) and tell us stuff. Thx XD well exchange a follow in return. Have fun
18 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Writers (1)
Okay, who likes writing? I know I do! I just wanted to create a page for all of those awesome writers to share stories or other reading/writing websites with each other.
7 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
Half-Animal RP
Basically, pretty much you can either be fully human or you're part animal-part human. So here's the form~ Name: Age: Your counterpart(as in your animal part): Backstory: Likes: Dislikes:
22 subscribers 15 members fully opened profile page
elemental rp
The elements themselves (water, ice, sound, spirit, air, lighting, plant, rock, earth, metal, fire, light,etc.) you can be any elemental you want
9 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Mobius High page
Here, you can Roleplay or ask me to add your OCs into the story. You post up a description of them, and a picture if you have one. Thank you. The story will be coming soon.
10 subscribers 8 members fully opened
beautiful doll images
i this page you can dive beautiful images of should try it..
17 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Bulling prevention page
This page is for people who wants to help others around them. Even online. Please subscribe to help others. We will be talking about how to help people with any bulling type. Even cyber bullying. This page is for everyone who ...
13 subscribers 2 members fully opened