Blue_star's Questions - Page 2

Blue_star asked 32 questions
What is your scariest true story?
i was inspired at my cat who just now decided to jumpscare me at midnight
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what do i do? (6)
so remember that question ''who is the mean one?'' well that same girl did something else me and her used to chase this boy and he asked her why we did it and she lied and said i liked him and i think he believes her and now im...
1 / 0 profile question
who is the mean one?
so i have kind of a tough situation with someone rn. so there is a game you may know called animal jam and in school i let her use my old account (cause we were allowed to play it) and of course i knew the password so back then...
5 / 0
Question for girls
So let's say a girl was on her period and it stoped for like a month and it came back and she didn't know how to hello her parents this and she went to her school and everything was fine no one knew and she went to her aunts ca...
16 / 1
whats a fandom?
4 / 1
am i the only one who thinks all the eveeloutions look like cats?
are mangle and funtime foxy the same thing?
idk i look at polls and see ppl asking questions or making polls where the ask something about mangle and i see a pic of what i believe is funtime foxy so since i know like nothing about fnaf can u pls tell me thx
3 / 0
should i make a picture contest?
idk is it a good idea? bad idea? so i was thinking every month week or year i choose a theme and everyone searches the internet for a good pic they think will win rules: if theres a duplicate both ppl will be eliminated 2: no s...
5 / 0 profile question
should qfeast weddings be a thing?
idk answer and if so, give me some ideas on how to do it!
11 / 4
Are there harmless pranks?
List them and how you do them.
3 / 5
What is your favorite thing about Easter?
Its never to early to talk about easter!
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