BlueTurkey's Page Subscriptions - Page 2

BlueTurkey is subscribed to 83 pages
Qfeaster quotes
Have a qfeaster you know who says something way more then often? Post it here!
24 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Qfeasters who deserve to be known
This is a page where you can post your favorite qffeasters who deserve to be known
55 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Gross ways to ask someone out
This a page, well the tittle basically describes the whole darn thing. XD
24 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
summer page
this is the summer page where it's always summer a dream come true! i know all of you love summer.
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Finish the Sentence!
So I thought it would be fun if we could see if people could finish each others' sentences to be true, or you can be funny! Have fun! Rules: Write the beginning of a phrase, comment the ending of it
16 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Did you see that Easter Egg?
Post your favourite easter eggs from books, movies, video games, and more! Example: In "Frozen", when people are arriving to attend Elsa's coronation, Eugene Fitzherbert aka Flynn Rider and Rapunzel, from "Tangled", appear in t...
7 subscribers 1 member fully opened
bad childhood memories
there are a lot of memories from when we were little that are so bad we wish they would go away, but no matter how hard we try they stay D:
46 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Qfeast Newcomers
Welcome to Qfeast! Meet other newcomers. Say welcome to the new qfeasters! Everyone is special on Qfeast!
1082 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Strange dreams
Everyone had that moment when you have the most strangest dreams. Well you can share them,post facts about dreams, or someone else's dreams!
14 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Qfeaster Couples You Ship
Do you ship a Qfeaster with another? If so, we want to know who that couple is! No one will judge you for it at all, it's our own opinions.
29 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Things You Never Noticed in Movies/T.V Shows
This is where you can post things you or others have never noticed in movies and T.V shows!
12 subscribers 1 member fully opened
stupid school rules
we know that they say the school rules are to make us safe, but have they took these rules a little too far? SHARE THY RULE AMONST OTHERS AND SEE WHAT KIND OF RULES ARE AT OTHER SCHOOLS :D
50 subscribers 2 members fully opened
anime lovers (1)
if yo like anime this is the page for you and if you took my quiz got yes you should join ya
42 subscribers 23 members
PeachTree Boarding School
This is PeachTree Boarding school. Where you live and sleep here. Only the best is the best are welcome here. And this is a roleplay.
7 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Unfair parents?
Everyone hates something their parents do. Don't get me started on my list. What about you? Are your parents somewhat strict and overwhelming?
18 subscribers 14 members
real life rp (1)
All in the title! Here you can rp as yourself! Hope you enjoy this page!
12 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
The single page
This is a page were if your single you can meet another single person and hit it off
39 subscribers 2 members fully opened
I Will Tell You Your Future
If you would like to know your future, then please ask a question that you would like to know about the future and I will tell you your true fate. Please include as much detail as possible in your question so the answer I give ...
25 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
gothicskittlescupcake's blog!
This is my blog and I hope you enjoy it! Kawaii power forever! =^ยท^= I will post daily!
10 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
Your heritage
What kind of heritage do you have? (Example, Korean, Irish, Canadian.)
23 subscribers 1 member fully opened