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How can you post videos on qfeast?
When was Qfeast created?
I just was wondering when Qfeast was created. Does anyone know? :D
5 / 6
I have a friend, should I publish her story on qfeast?
I don't know if she wants me to or not, but she hates this story and I love it. It is REALLY long.
12 / 14
What does that number in parentheses next to a quiz or page or whatever mean?
I have that a lot on my stuff yet have no idea wut it means
5 / 2
If I put a story up, can I take it back down?
I wish to put one of my stories on Qfeast but I will probably want to take it back down. I need a little help with figuring out how to do so. I would really appreciate it. Thanks! :)
3 / 0
What part of Qfeast is the best?
Do you prefer quizzes, questions, polls, stories or pages? :)
19 / 0
does anyone else go on to qfeast at school
i just want to know, i'm doing i right now
20 / 0
Why do they call qfeast " QFEAST"?
Just wondering cuz I hv no idea.
17 / 6
How do you change your background on here?
I just wanted to know, cuz the cloud background is getting a bit boring... And yes, I realize that the picture has nothing to do with the question.
3 / 0
Do you guys think that 10 questions on a quiz is enough?
Because I have been making a quiz and I wanna publish it but I don't know if it's ready. It only has 10 questions and I feel that it's not enough.. I wanna make the quiz my best one yet... Please help within a few hours!! Thanks.
7 / 5
How do I get followers?
I wanna know how to get followers, becayse I only have 1. Plz tell me how?
22 / 12
How did you find about qfeast and why did you join it?
i found out by taping quizs and i found this websit and i had to sign up to see what i got on a quiz!
26 / 14
Can I upload videos onto Qfeast?
I just wanted to know because I have seen videos on other people's walls.
3 / 6
Do You Wish QFeast Was More Popular?
I Do. I'm like the only person at my school who getz on here. I Wish qfeast was as popular as twitter or facebook. :(
24 / 7
How do i get youtube videos on my qfeast wall?!
please only awnser if you realley know the awnser. "idk" isn't going 2 help me. Thanks. Xx
10 / 12
can i change my username???
i HATE my username so i want to kno if i can c hange it and i tryed finding a way and i cant so ya
12 / 13
Who wants a facepalm button on qfeast?
Sometimes there are comments that you read them and you think 'Sweet Mother Of God!!' or other thing.Don't you want a facepalm button for those situations?
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